Remember To Do These Things With The Extension of MCO! Keep An Eye On Your Car, Phone, Body, Mind, etc.

#JayaOneCares — reminding little things that go a long way

Jaya One
4 min readApr 27, 2020


With another 14-days of lockdown staring at you, it is good to make lemonade out of life’s lemons. Instead of getting bogged down by the thought, we hope to remind you of things to look after such as your car, your body, and importantly, your mind.

Check out this little lockdown to-do list that we have compiled. Let’s hit the ground running!

1. Drive the car around to heat up the engine

Leaving your car inactive will often result in flat batteries. With the MCO extended, you should start the car at least once a week and drive the car around the neighborhood.

Driving it around is important to heat the engine fluids up sufficiently. If you don’t, you will only drain the battery more and you will find yourself facing a flat battery.

2. Organize photos on your phones

Cleaning up your room is important, but we need not forget to organize the virtual mess of our digital devices. You probably take 100 photos of your dog so you can get the best one, but you don’t delete the rest.

This is a good time to delete poor-quality photos, such as those WhatsApp shares that you no longer need and eliminate some clutter. You can either back up your photos on an external drive or a cloud-based service to free up some space on your device during this lockdown period.

3. Clean out your closet

You are growing…and probably outgrowing many things. It doesn’t take much time for outgrown clothes, or preloved toys to start overwhelming your closet and take space away from what you need.

You will save time every day when you do not have to rummage through unused clothes and old toys in order to find what you need for the day. What to do with those preloved items then? You could either repurpose your old clothes into random items for the household or donate them to local thrift & consignment store such as Parents Without Partners (PWP) in Jaya One for a good cause!

4. Do your computer housekeeping

We all have those documents and programs that we’ve never had time to sift through and organize. Whether its bills, receipts, doctor’s prescriptions, insurance, or financial papers, use the MCO time to turn that digital mountain into a molehill by sorting through unwanted files.

Apart from freeing up space and de-cluttering your storage, you’ll get the added benefit of having all critical documents filed in designated places. Store your important documents on cloud-based storage platforms, so you have 24/7 access to them.

5. Stay in shape with at-home workouts

If you want to stay in good shape or have been thinking of getting fitter, take up yoga or Pilates, or join a functional workout class from home. Many yoga and fitness trainers are offering classes online at this time — such as Celebrity Fitness and Cross Muay Thai. Follow them on social media to get daily updates on workout sesh that suits your timing!

6. Get good sleep and relax your mind

Sleep is as important as a healthy diet and exercise. With the Covid-19 pandemic, it will undoubtedly make people anxious and stressed, which may result in sleeping difficulty. When our sleep is of poor quality, or if we cannot get enough sleep, we may not be able to function normally during the day when we are awake.

Good sleep is important to make us think clearly, make sensible decisions, and concentrate at school or work. We can become less susceptible to feelings of upset, anger, and irritation. This can all have positive impacts on our relationships with family, friends, and in our workplaces.

7. Improve your diet and balance it with nutrition

Proper nutrition and hydration are vital for stronger immune systems as well as to lower the risk of chronic illnesses and infectious diseases. Other than the viral Dalgona Coffee or Maggi Murtabak, you should eat a variety of fresh and unprocessed food every day to get the vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, protein, and antioxidants your body needs. Support your local food business such as Tedboy which provides bread & pastries without enhancers, flavoring, and preservatives.

Drink enough water. Lessen sugar, fat, and salt intake to avoid the risk of overweight, obesity, heart disease, stroke, or diabetes.



Jaya One

Jaya One is a community-led commercial centre that comprises of residence, business suites and offices.