Jaya One Official Announcement & Response

An effort to combat the potential spread of COVID-19 to keep the Jaya One community safe and healthy.

Jaya One
5 min readMar 13, 2020


As we all know about the COVID-19 outbreak, everyone has a role to play in getting ready in case the situation worsens. Behind the scenes, Jaya One Management is taking proactive measures on how we could protect the health and safety of our community — closely monitoring the situation locally as well as around the world.


In order to combat the potential spread of the virus, we have come out with some precautionary actions to ensure COVID-19 does not continue to spread.

We are winding down cleaning in certain areas to concentrate disinfection procedures over high-traffic areas. Hence we seek all occupants and tenants’ understanding and patience to cope with the demand for sanitization.

(A) Lifts

Cleaned on an hourly basis for highly frequented lifts:

  1. J1, J2 lifts

2. The Square’s glass lift

Cleaned every 3 hours:

  1. Block A, B, C, D & H lifts

2. Residential R1 & R2 lifts

Cleaned every 6 hours:

1. All loading lifts

(B) Hand Sanitizers

Placed and refilled frequently in high-traffic prominent areas:

  1. The School’s Info Counter
  2. The Square’s Main Concourse
  3. Level 8 Residence Security Counter
  4. PJ Live Arts Lobby
  5. 悠YOÜ Space, Level 1, The School
  6. Pop by Jaya One Counter
  7. Jaya One Management Office

(C) 611 Cleaning Chemical

Common areas are mopped and cleaned regularly with an upgrade to KleenChem 611 detergent chemical which acts as a sanitizer, disinfectant cleaner, mildewstat, fungicide, and deodorizer.

The 611 chemical is formulated specially for heavy-duty cleaning and is effective against :

  1. Common bacteria that cause foodborne illness, such as E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica,
  2. Kills Influenza A Virus (H1N1), (H5N1),
  3. Kills MRSA and CA-MRSA,
  4. Kills HBV and HCV


The management has taken a proactive approach on all employees:

a) Temperature readings of every employee as they enter work.

b) All employees must also sanitize their hands as they enter and get off from the office to minimize the potential spread of the virus.

c) Strict daily monitoring of employees with fever, coughs or other potential COVID-19 symptoms.

d) Employees with a fever above 37.5°C will need to stay home and self-quarantine and monitored closely before returning to work.


A dedicated task force has been set up in case of any suspected COVID-19 cases in Jaya One. Our Security and Housekeeping department are prepared with a procedure to lock down contamination should any cases arise. Please follow the procedures as below :

  1. Contact Leelhali from Customer Service at +60 16–343 3531 if there is any suspected case of COVID-19 in your company.
  2. Immediate lockdown of the suspected office/residential floor will take place.
  3. For suspected COVID-19 case, the whole office/residential floor will be evacuated, escorted by Security in a singular determined route through the fire staircase to their cars to exit Jaya One as soon as possible
  4. Neighboring office/residents will follow the evacuation process through the staircase floor by floor, lobby by lobby until the whole building is clear.
  5. The whole building will be disinfected and sanitized promptly.
  6. Jaya One will investigate and follow-up independently with the suspect, hence we seek cooperation from companies to extend the contact of the suspect.
  7. Jaya One will obtain the relevant clearance from the relevant Ministry to reopen the building.


Visitors are encouraged to always practice personal hygiene and wear proper self-protection equipment upon meeting and dealing with other people. All of us could play our part by practicing everyday protective measures like frequent hand washing, staying home when sick, and covering coughs and sneezes.

Check out our ‘self-care’ advisory board located around The School and The Square:

Medical Advice

For medical advice please refer to virtual health advisory (Ask Doctor) at its official website moh.gov.my.

For any suspected COVID-19 cases, please contact the Crisis Preparedness and Response Centre (CPRC) hotline at 03- 88810200; 03–88810600; or 03–88810700.


All visitors with related symptoms are advised to visit the nearest hospital which in Petaling Jaya’s case, the Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya to get tested and treated.

Appropriate and adequate isolation facilities are available at Hospital Sungai Buloh & Hospital Kuala Lumpur.

Check out the link to know where to get treated around your area: https://www.therakyatpost.com/2020/03/12/we-compiled-a-list-of-msian-hospitals-handling-covid-19-cases-for-you/.

Jaya One will strictly align further actions following the Health Ministry’s guidelines.

We deeply regret any inconvenience experienced during the implementation of these steps as these are circumstances that are beyond the control of the management but we have to take it seriously. We will update the latest information of Jaya One’s happenings from time to time in our social media as below:


Facebook: jayaone

Instagram: ​@jayaone

Web: ​https://www.jayaone.com.my/


Facebook: theschool.my

Instagram: ​@theschoolmy/


Facebook: TheSquareMY

Instagram: ​@thesquaremy



Jaya One
Jaya One

Written by Jaya One

Jaya One is a community-led commercial centre that comprises of residence, business suites and offices.

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