Free Internet, Cash Aid, Loan Deferment…Government, Banks, and Institutions are Giving Relief Assistance to All People? Check Out Your Benefits Malaysians!
As people are struggling with the current financial disruption, we have compiled a few government schemes to support those who are financially incapacitated due to Covid-19’s effects on the economy. Check it out and share it with everyone you care about!
1. RM500 Monthly EPF Withdrawal
- Age 55 and below
- For a period of 12 months, from Account 2
- Application opens 1 April 2020
The i-Lestari Withdrawal facility is intended to ease the financial burden of members and help them meet their basic monthly financial needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
How does a member apply for i-Lestari Withdrawal?
The application form can be submitted via the following 3 channels:
- Online (e-Pengeluaran through i-Akaun); or
- By email to; or
- By post/registered post to Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja Karung Berkunci No 220, Jalan Sultan 46720 Petaling Jaya (i-Lestari Withdrawal)
Members need to apply only once to put into effect the recurring monthly payment into members’ banking account.
For more info, please check the FAQ. Alternatively, please drop KWSP an email at if you have any further inquiries.
2. RM600 Monthly PERKESO Incentive
- Effective from 20 March 2020
- Workers who receive unpaid leave notice
- Monthly earnings of RM4000 and below
The initiative, as part of the Employment Retention Program (ERP), is open to workers who were forced to go into unpaid leave during the Movement Control Order (MCO). The application needs to be made by your company/employer on behalf of the affected staff by completing the ERP Application Form C-19.
Send the completed applications to email:
If you have any doubts or questions concerning the scheme, you can contact PERKESO at 1–300–22–8000 or email PERKESO at
You can also visit PERKESO website, or click here for more info on Employment Insurance System (SIP) or Employment Retention Program (ERP).
3. RM100 Daily NADMA Aid
- Malaysian workers who lost a source of income
- Malaysian workers not receiving any wages throughout the duration of hospitalization due to Covid-19
The National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) will aid RM100 per day, throughout the duration of the Surveillance and Observation Order, for Covid-19 contact under Section 15 (1) of the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 (Act 342) or those undergoing treatment at a hospital ward authorized by the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) to treat Covid -19. This special aid will only be given once (one-off) during the Covid-19 period and will not be given for recurring cases.
Those eligible will need to download the document from NADMA’s website and mail the complete application to the following address:
Ketua Pengarah
Agensi Pengurusan Bencana Negara (NADMA)
Jabatan Perdana Menteri
Aras 7, Blok D5, Kompleks D, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
62502 Putrajaya.
For more info, see NADMA’s FAQ and Guidelines.
4. PTPTN Loan Deferment Extension
- Extended to 6 months
- Effective immediately until 30 September 2020
- Deferment is automatically granted to all borrowers.
For more details on the deferment, see PTPTN’s FAQ.
5. Loan/Financing Payment Deferment
- Automatic moratorium effective from 1 April 2020
- Postponement for 6 months
- For households and SMEs
This is part of Bank Negara Malaysia’s measures to assist borrowers — including individuals, small and medium companies (SMEs), and corporate companies — who are experiencing temporary financial constraints with their cash-flow situation to deal with the Covid-19 crisis.
Some banks are also doing their part to alleviate borrowers’ burden by not compounding interest and profit rates on loans, such as:
- OCBC Bank and OCBC Al-Amin Bank
- Maybank and Maybank Islamic
- CIMB Bank and CIMB Islamic Bank
- RHB Bank and RHB Islamic Bank
- Public Bank and Public Islamic Bank
- AmBank and AmBank Islamic
- Affin Bank and Affin Islamic Bank
- Standard Chartered Bank and Standard Chartered Saadiq Bhd
- UOB Malaysia
- Agrobank
- Alliance Bank
- Bank Mualamat
- HSBC Bank and HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad
- Hong Leong Bank and Hong Leong Islamic Bank
- Bank Islam
- Bank Rakyat
Read more on how to apply with your banks here.
For more info, please check the FAQ or visit the website For any other inquiries, please contact your bank for clarification.
6. PTPK Loan Deferment
- Deferment of 6 months
- Effective 1 April until 30 September 2020
For more details on the deferment, see PTPK’s website.
7. Prihatin Economic Stimulus Package
A) RM10 billion Bantuan Prihatin Nasional
- RM1600 to nearly 4 million households earning less than RM4,000 a month. Payment of RM1,000 will be made in April 2020 and the remaining in May 2020.
- RM1000 to nearly 1.1 million households earning between RM4,000 and RM8,000 a month with RM500 paid in April 2020 while the balance in May 2020.
- RM800 to 3 million single individuals aged 21 and above, earning less than RM2,000 a month. Payment of RM500 will be made in April 2020 and the remaining RM300 in May 2020.
- RM500 to 400,000 single individuals aged 21 years and above, earning between RM2,000 and RM4,000 per month. The payment of RM250 will be made in April 2020 while the balance in May 2020.
For those who have not registered, registration is open starting 1 April 2020 through LHDNM website. The payment will be automatically credited to your account as registered in LHDNM.
A status check can be made through the following official portal:
2. BSH:
3. Ministry of Finance of Malaysia:
For more inquiries, please get in touch with the Ministry of Finance at 03–8882 9089, 03–8882 9087, 03–8882 9191, 03–8882 4565, or 03–8882 4566. Email: /
Alternatively, contact LHDNM at hotline 1–800 882 747 or care line 03–8911 1000.
Check out this video format in Mandarin (+Malay sub):
B) Cash Aid
- RM600 a month to doctors, nurses and medical staffs effective 1 April 2020
- RM200 a month to military, police, customs, civil defence, and RELA members
- RM200 one-off cash assistance to students of tertiary education disbursed in May 2020
- RM500 one-off cash assistance to civil servants of grade 56 and below, including contract workers to be paid in April 2020
- RM500 one-off cash assistance to e-hailing drivers
- RM600 one-off cash assistance to those reliant on tourism such as taxi drivers, tourist bus drivers, tour guides, trishaw drivers to be paid on 1 April 2020
C) mySalam
- RM50 per day for a maximum of 14 days income replacement fee
- mySalam hospitalized patients and quarantined B40 patients under investigation (PUI).
D) Insurance and takaful
- up to RM300 screening fee to policyholder and takaful medical certificate to undergo the test at private hospitals
- 3-month suspension on premiums by family takaful and insurance companies to contributors whose source of income is affected by the pandemic.
E) Electricity bills
- 15%-50% discount to all Malaysians — 50% will be given to electricity consumption below 200 kilowatts; 25% for electricity consumption between 201–300 kilowatts; and 15% for 301–600 kilowatts.
- Discount will be valid for 6 months
- 15% discount in the tourism sector
- 2% discount for commercial, industrial, agricultural and household sectors in Peninsular Malaysia beginning 1 April 2020.
F) Internet bills
- Free high-speed internet of 1GB per day to all Postpaid and Prepaid customers of Celcom, Digi, Maxis, and U Mobile
- Between 8 am and 6 pm
- Effective by 1 April 2020.
G) Bantuan Sara Hidup (BSH)
- RM200 cash allowance in March
- RM100 additional cash allowance will be paid to BSH recipients in May
- RM50 additional e-wallet will be credited in May
Check if you are eligible to apply here: For more info, call BSH LHDNM hotline at 1–800–88–2747.
H) Projek Perumahan Rakyat (PPR)
- 6 months rental exemption
- All Malaysians under the PPR scheme
I) Private Retirement Scheme (PRS)
- Pre-retirement withdrawals from account B up to RM1,500 per member without any tax penalties between April and December 2020.
For more info, please visit or the Finance Ministry’s FB.
8. PERKESO Early Payments of Pension and Benefit
- Early benefit payments effective 25 March 2020
- Extended until August 2020
This payment will benefit about 300,000 eligible Insured Persons and their dependants who are currently receiving SOCSO’s (Social Security Organisation) benefits as follows:
- Invalidity pension/survivors’ pension
- Dependants’ benefit
- Periodic permanent disablement benefit
4. Constant-Attendance allowance
Insured persons and their dependants will receive the benefit payments date once it is credited by their respective bank institutions.
For more questions, check out PERKESO website or email PERKESO at
9. Additional RM1 billion allocation for the Ministry of Health
- To buy medical equipment
- To hire 2000 contract staff especially nurses
10. RM130 million for State Governments
- To cushion the burden of small businesses
- To support Covid-19 patients and family
- To help staffers involved in fighting the Covid-19 virus
11. RM12 million for Students Stranded in Campus
- To support college and university students’ food cost
- To help a total of 74,530 students when they are staying put in their campus due to MCO