10 Positive Things To Be Grateful For During Challenging Times Of Covid-19
#JayaOneCares — sharing gratitude to call to mind things that you can appreciate
We understand that it’s getting harder to cope with this Covid-19 situation as the business community is struggling, people are suffering, people are losing their jobs, people are facing financial pressures, stress, and anxiety.
However, we should never lose hope. We have to remain positive and believe in ourselves and others. It is during times of high anxiety such as these, that it’s actually more important to summon forth an attitude of gratitude and bring to mind things that we can appreciate.
There are many positive things happening around us while the virus is still spreading. Gratitude can be a powerful tool for resilience in the face of this global pandemic.
With that, let’s see light in the darkness of Covid-19:
1. You are safe
You’ve got a warm home, food to eat, drinking water, and friends and family who love you. Keep in mind you are alive and breathing, that’s life’s greatest blessings. You have good health. Well, now is your chance to explore your dreams and goals.
2. You keep your family safe
As a Chinese proverb says, “misfortune may be a blessing in disguise”. Other than keeping your family safe, you can turn the Covid-19 pandemic into an opportunity to grow closer and build emotional resilience among all family members.
3. You prevent the spread of the virus
One person can make a difference in slowing down the virus spread. YOU are making a difference staying at home and this will go a long way towards making our healthcare capacity function. This is why social distancing is so important to flatten the curve of the pandemic. By staying at home during this MCO, we are protecting those who are most vulnerable.
4. Access to technology
Despite how important it is to not be constantly on our devices, we should nevertheless be grateful for the invention of the internet, at a time like this. It has enabled all of us to keep in touch with each other, work remotely with our colleagues, and to share information so seamlessly.
5. Kindness and sacrifice of our front-liners
We’ve seen how our front-liners including medical staff, police officers, delivery riders, and supermarket workers who sacrificed their time and lives to serve the country amid the Covid-19 outbreak. These are heroic sacrifices to protect our communities.
When we think of those in need out there, and we choose to think of others rather than just ourselves, it brings you into a different perspective of our own troubles.
6. The gift of time
This outbreak bestows the gift of time for everyone. Take this time that you never had to de-clutter your home, spend more time with your family, learn a new skill, do things you love, or reflect on your own goals and progress.
Whether you’re taking every meal as a learning opportunity to whip up a new recipe, or updating your resume to stay relevant, you’ve got another 14 days to dabble in crafts, tech, or anything you set your sights on.
7. Nature gets a break from human activity
Nature is giving humankind a wake-up call. We are all responsible for our civilization that has placed damaging consequences on the natural world, and humankind is warned that failure to take care of the planet meant not taking care of ourselves.
However, we can only take comfort in the fact that staying home is allowing mother nature to heal herself. The result? Muddy to crystal clear waters in the canals of Venice, blue skies and cleaner air reemerging over some of the most polluted cities in the world, and animals taking over the streets and beaches just like a real-life Jumanji board game.
8. Wildlife conservation enforced
China has banned the trade and consumption of wild animals in the wake of the Covid-19 outbreak. By shutting down the illegal animal trade, it will make a huge impact on wildlife conservation efforts and creates a turning point for trafficked animals such as pangolins and turtles.
9. Foreign workers’ poor living conditions addressed
We’ve seen that migrant workers cramped dormitories have been virus hotspots in Singapore. This issue has shone a light on the unsanitary living conditions of thousands of workers packed into a room ventilated by small fans.
However, it’s heartening to know that the government is addressing this issue to create better living spaces and isolation meals for all migrant workers in the weeks to come to take care of their health, livelihood, and welfare.
10. Proper personal hygiene is practiced
In these challenging times, good hygiene takes top priority. Pressing lift buttons with our elbows, washing our hands, and disinfecting our living spaces on a regular basis is the new normal now.
From sneezing into our elbows/upper sleeve when we’re not wearing masks to swiftly disposing of used tissues, even after we bid this virus goodbye, we’ll have good hygiene habits to last us a lifetime.